Personal Assignments

Personal Assignments


Summary: Chapters 53, 59, 61

Analysis: Reverend Peters

Creative: In Chapter 61 Reverend Peters says he and Christopher should talk about “this” when they have more time. Imagine they meet again and have more time. Write a dialogue dealing with the topics “death”, “God”, “religion” and “eternity”.


Summary: Chapters 29, 31, 37

Analysis: Roger Shears

Creative: Write a diary entry by Roger Shears for the days when Christopher appeared at his flat in London.


Summary: Chapters 71, 73, 79

Analysis: Eileen Shears

Creative: Write a diary entry by Eileen Shears about Christopher’s investigations.


Summary: Chapters 17, 19, 23

Analysis: Ed Boone

Creative: Write a letter by Ed Boone to his mother in Bristol explaining why he hit his own son.


Summary: Chapter 179

Analysis: Order in Life

Creative: Write a letter by Christopher to Siobhan explaining why life always has to be in order.


Summary: Chapters 149 and 151

Analysis: Cartoons and Drawings

Creative: Write a dialogue between Christopher Boone and Homer Simpson meeting in the London tube.


Summary: Chapters 41, 43 and 47

Analysis: The London Tube

Creative: Write a report to the police by the pedestrian from chapter 227.


Summary: Chapters 131, 137 and 139

Analysis: The Author Mark Haddon

Creative: Create at least twenty interesting questions for an interview with Mark Haddon.


Summary: Chapters 157 and 163

Analysis: The Unique Writing Style of the “Curious Incident”

Creative: Imagine Christopher fifteen years later. Write a letter to Siobhan telling her about his life and his thoughts about the past.


Summary: Chapters 211 and 223

Analysis: The Stability of the Family

Creative: Write a dialogue between Christopher Boone and Sheldon Cooper talking about family life, logic and identity.


Summary: Chapter 67

Analysis: Logic, Reason and Mathematics

Creative: Write a letter to Christopher, explaining to him why people believe in God and which advantages they gain by doing so (see chapter 199 for hints).


Summary: Chapters 2, 3, 5 and 7

Analysis: The Role of Absences in Life

Creative: Imagine Christopher thirty years later. Write a letter to Siobhan telling her about his life and his thoughts about the past.


Summary: Chapters 107 and 109

Analysis: The Setting of the “Curious Incident”

Creative: Write a newspaper article about what Christopher achieves in Chapter 233.


Summary: Chapters 227 and 229

Analysis: Identity and Finding One’s Place in Life

Creative: Write a letter by some of Christopher’s classmates to Siobhan, telling her how they feel about Christopher.


Summary: Chapters 101 and 103

Analysis: The Mood of the Novel

Creative: Write a dialogue between Siobhan and Christopher’s father about what happened in chapter 157.


Summary: Chapters 113 and 127

Analysis: Christopher Boone

Creative: Draw a mind-map showing Christopher’s likes and dislikes.


Summary: Chapters 167 and 173

Analysis: Mrs. Alexander

Creative: Write a diary entry by Mrs. Alexander about the encounter with Christopher in chapter 67.


Summary: Chapter 233

Analysis: Christopher’s Disease

Creative: Write a magazine article by Siobhan explaining how parents should deal with a child with Asperger.


Summary: Chapters 193, 197 and 199

Analysis: Murder Mystery Stories and Sherlock Holmes

Creative: Write a diary entry by the police officer Christopher encounters in chapter 197. Include his feelings about the encounter and a personal conclusion about the event.


Summary: Chapter 191

Analysis: Judy Boone

Creative: Christopher has an own weblog. Write a blog post by Christopher shortly after he has discovered the letters.


Summary: Chapters 89 and 97

Analysis: Siobhan

Creative: Write a full psychological analysis concerning the disease of Christopher Boone. Also include possible methods to help Christopher cope with his disease.


Summary: Chapter 181

Analysis: Minor Characters in the Novel

Creative: Write a final school report for Christopher: What lessons has Christopher learned about life throughout the last year.


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